Aug 9, 2016
We're talking about Suicide Squad! As usual for our movie reviews, we give our spoiler-free impressions, and give character discussions in Spoiler Space. However, there are a ton of characters in this movie that are a bit underutilized. We lumped them in on a single talking point, then went into detail about all the more important characters Is it a better showing from DC after Batman V Superman? Listen and find out!
00:00 - Intro
00:51 - Movie Comparisons
04:26 - Spoiler Free Review
18:47 - Suicide Squad History
25:04 - Ratings
28:00 - Spoiler Space
28:14 - Underused Characters
45:02 - Amanda Waller
52:50 - Rick Flag & Enchantress
1:02:45 - El Diablo
1:07:13 - Joker
1:16:55 - Harley Quinn
1:23:02 - Deadshot
1:38:15 - Outro
Ratings for Suicide Squad