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Running on Rooftops: The Comic Book Adaptation Podcast

Apr 26, 2016

The Supergirl finale has come and gone, almost like it's running away, so Phil sprints after the finale to give his thoughts on the finale and the first season as a whole.


00:00 - Intro

00:51 - Supergirl Season 1

01:54 - Supergirl Finale

18:20 - Looking Forward to Season 2

20:59 - Grading for Supergirl

22:52 - Weekly...

Apr 19, 2016

We cover the iZombie Season 2 finale. We go over what we loved about the episode and about the series so far!  Also, we rank the episodes that came out this week. So many people got eaten, and not just iZombie...

 ROR podcast on Google Play

00:00- Intro

00:49- iZombie Recap

24:25- iZombie Thoughts and Speculations 

Apr 12, 2016

Phil is solo this week sprinting through this past week's episode of Arrow where the character in the grave is revealed. Major spoilers !!! Do not listen if you have not seen the episode!


00:00 - Intro

00:54 - What Happened/ What I was Thinking

09:35 - Ending Recap

21:30 - Laurel's character arc Recap

25:09 -...

Apr 5, 2016

Flash is all over the place! He's all over time and space, making some super new friends, visiting past enemies, and making us cover all the fun on this show. Also, iZombie is back! Well, the show has been back for a while, but we just haven't spoken about it since last year. Take a listen!


00:00- Intro
