Mar 29, 2017
In this sprint, Darryl reviews the Flash and Supergirl crossover
episode: Duet. Do the songs reach a sharp point, or do they fall
flat? Is the musical melodic or malefic? Listen and find
Mar 20, 2017
We give a spoiler-free review of the first four episodes of Iron Fist, the latest Marvel TV series on Netflix. This was a lot slower start to the four Netflix seasons we have seen so far. At the same time, it's the show with the biggest hill to climb. We are not too in love with the show and the main character,...
Mar 13, 2017
This week Phil sprints through is weekly rankings for last week's episodes of Supergirl, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, and Legion. Which show came in first this week? Which show came in last? Which show started out towards the bottom but by the end of the episode rose to the top? Start running to find out! 00:00 -...
Mar 6, 2017
In this episode, we review Logan! This was easily one of the best X-Men movies in recent memory. Did our collective hearts break for the relationships developed between Logan and Laura? Is this movie worth being Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart's final supposed chapter in the X-Men universe. Yes. Yes it is. Listen and...